Chelsea Lehnea

| soprano

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American soprano Chelsea Lehnea is known for her powerful artistry, fearless personality, and unique sense of style. Critics have praised her “mercurial colored, highly responsive instrument that flew seamlessly through its registers” (The NY Times), “Her use of chest voice gave Paolina a powerful punch” (Operawire), “The soprano is a no-holds-barred singing actress” (Seen and Heard International), and her “ferociously brilliant vocal and dramatic ability that more than matched her eye-catching physicality” (Vero News).

Lehnea’s next performance will be on October 20th at 5pm as she will be in concert for The Nancy Frampton Rising Artists Series at Morningside Presbyterian Church of Atlanta. Jonathan Crutchfield will be at the piano, and she will be joined by bass-baritone Andrew Allan Hiers. The program will feature familiar Italian opera arias alongside American classics.

In the summer of 2024, she starred as the title role in Carolina Uccelli’s Anna di Resburgo with Teatro Nuovo. Uccelli was the lone female opera composer who made it to the stage in the era of bel canto composition. This opera’s long-overdue revival (the first since its premiere run) comes courtesy of Will Crutchfield, the indefatigable American conductor, musicologist and educator who in 2018 founded the New York-based Teatro Nuovo. He says of her work “even though she is working within the familiar forms and styles of the period, her music does not sound like any of the (prior) composers. It sounds like her. That is more than enough reason to want her voice heard again after two centuries of obscurity, and to welcome a stirring opera, not quite like any other, to the Bel Canto canon.” This modern premiere of Uccelli’s romantic Scottish thriller was performed July 20th at the Alexander Kasser Theater and July 24th at the Rose Theater, Jazz at Lincoln Center. The production has since been nominated in the Rediscovered Work category for the 2024 International Opera Awards. Critics noted “Soprano Lehnea was star of the show, both dramatically and vocally, as Anna, with a forceful stage presence and glamorous demeanor.” (BroadwayWorld) and “her standout moment came in the duet “Ah Norcesto! ti ferma” where the soprano matched her adversary...phrase for phrase, her voice thundering in the space, growing with strength even throughout the opening exchanges. This scene was earth-shattering.” (Operawire) Following these performances, she made her Walt Disney Concert Hall debut in the Opera Forever! concert with the Dream Orchestra of Los Angeles lead by Daniel Suk. The concert was in part celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Puccini’s passing, and Lehnea performed the title role of Turandot. Also on the program was the legendary Chinese classical opera singer Prof. Yanwen Han and the Opera studio of the China Music Conservatory as they performed the US premier of a modern classical Chinese opera.

Lehnea has secured top honors around the globe, claiming First Place at the Loren L. Zachary Vocal Competition, Premiere Opera Foundation Live Vocal Competition, Opera at Florham Vocal Competition, and the Camille Coloratura Awards Vocal Competition. Her achievements include a Sullivan Foundation Award and achieving finalist status at the XVII Concurso Internacional Montserrat Caballè where critics noted “En el buen nivel de todos los participantes, destacó Chelsea Lehnea, soprano norteamericana que se atrevió con una obra infrecuente hoy en día, llena de dificultades para el cantante. [In the good level of all the participants, Chelsea Lehnea stood out, an American soprano who dared with an uncommon work nowadays, full of difficulties for the singer.]” (Òpera Actual)

In the 2023-2024 season, she triumphed at St Pete Opera in the role of Liù in Turandot and the title role in Lucia di Lammermoor as well as appear as a soloist for Vero Beach Opera’s Best of Broadway & Opera in Concert. Last season, Lehnea made her highly anticipated New York City debut as Paolina in Poliuto with Teatro Nuovo. She made her debut with her hometown opera company, the Chattanooga Symphony and Orchestra, as a soloist for their Opera Extravaganza conducted by Pierre Vallet. She was a featured soloist for the Year End Gala of the Dream Orchestra of Los Angeles and took Second Place at the Rising Stars Competition at Vero Beach Opera. In the 2021-2022 season, she debuted with Pacific Opera Project as Clorinda in La Cenerentola and performed as a featured soloist at the Northside Methodist Church of Atlanta captivating audiences in Handel’s Messiah and Mendelssohn’s Hymn of Praise. Notably, she received critical acclaim for her “excellent, sweet voiced Pamina” (The Berkeley Daily Planet) in Die Zauberflöte with the Merola Opera Program. In the 2019-2020 season, she performed the role of Gilda in Rigoletto with Bel Cantanti Opera followed by notable performances as Musetta in La bohème with Gulfshore Opera.

Lehnea’s ascent in the opera world began with her participation in the Santa Fe Opera’s Apprentice Singer Program in 2016, which paved the way for her Washington National Opera debut as Sister Catherine in Dead Man Walking. Noteworthy milestones include her Masterclass performance of the mad scene of Lucia di Lammermoor under the auspices of the Metropolitan Opera Guild, her performances with St. Pete Opera as Donna Anna in Don Giovanni, being the soprano soloist for Der Messias with the Virginia Consort Choir and Orchestra, and debuting as Euridice in Orfeo ed Euridice with Bel Cantanti Opera. Her association with the Merola Opera Program in 2019 added another dimension to her journey. Here she took part in the world premiere of Jake Heggie’s If I Were You as Woman at the Bar, while also presenting scenes as the title role in Lucia di Lammermoor and as Elisabetta in Maria Stuarda.

Originally from Chattanooga, Tennessee, she imparts her passion and expertise by teaching voice and piano lessons online. Sign up at the bottom of the page to secure your spot in the Lehnea studio. Beyond the stage, she finds solace in nature, experiments with vegan culinary arts, and finds joy in the cuddles of her cat, Shiley.


Chelsea Lehnea in concert

October 20th, 2024 at 5pm

Morningside Presbyterian Church

Nancy Frampton Rising Artists Series

Candide as Cunegonde

Jan. 14, 2025 at 7:30pm

New World Center: Fort Lauderdale

Jan. 16, 2025 at 7:30pm

Broward Center for the Performing Arts: Miami

Jan. 19,2025 at 7:30pm

Tennessee Williams Theatre: Key West

South Florida Symphony Orchestra

Maria Stuarda as Elisabetta

February 26, 2025 at 7:30pm

February 28, 2025 at 7:30pm

March 2, 2025 at 3:00pm

The Engineers Club at the Garret-Jacob’s Mansion

Opera Baltimore

A born opera composer

Read about Carolina Uccelli (1810-58), whose ​opera Anna di Resburgo will be given its

first modern performances by

New York’s Teatro Nuovo with

Chelsea Lehnea in the title role.

Meet St. Pete Opera’s

Lucia di Lammermoor

Check out her recent interview ​with Bill DeYoung of

The St Pete Catalyst


Artist of the Week:

Read about American Soprano

Chelsea Lehnea as she brings

Carolina Uccelli’s Opera to Life.

A pale orange, toga-like dress and ​sparkling wrist jewelry added visual ​excitement to Chelsea Lehnea’s ​performance and was equal to the ​radiance of her singing. The soprano ​is a no-holds-barred singing actress, ​whose dramatic involvement is ​evident in every note that she offers ​and every movement she makes.

- Seen and Heard International

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Parent Testimonial:

Chelsea is the best teacher in the world. She brings so much joy to our home; we look forward to her arrival every week. She inspires Elisabeth without intimidating her.

- Katy Beach, Nov. 2019

Study with Chelsea

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I bring ten years of experience teaching ​piano and voice lessons to students of ​all ages both in person and online.

My teaching method focuses on learning ​the basics so that together we can ​discover your authentic sound.